With great acceptance of the information of our clients and reading about the news from 1 April 2021 to the rock of the overseas offices of the International Production Center "Nekrasov" (IPC Nekrasov) near the cities of Antalya and Іchin.
Stan on this year's day, as having seen the head of the International Production Center "Nekrasov" (IPC Nekrasov) Oleksiy Nekrasov, Turechchina є a market with a high potential, to look not at a glimpse of the new pandemic. The development of creative industries in Turechchini and a large number of people who live in prestigious resorts, add an eye for IPC Nekrasov's activity as a provincial operator for the event market.
In April 2021, it is planned to sign the Memorandum on strategic sports between the International Production Center "Nekrasov" and the provincial hotel fences of Turechchini. According to the IPC Memorandum, Nekrasov will be the title operator for organizing the reception of guests of the most important hotels.
The same decision was taken to ensure that the most important standards for organizing pods and servicing of clients were taken into account in Antalya and the izmir of the foreign offices of the International Central Producer. We will be closer to the clients, and will offer them the best options for the connection, especially in the format of MICE calls, which is the most promising and dynamic segment of B2B services.
Olexiy Nekrasov Nadab takozh your comment schodo operational aspektіv upravlіnnya schoyno vіdkritimi zakordonnimi predstavnitstvami "Globalіzatsіya BIZNES-protsesіv i vprovadzhennya efektivnosti standartіv Keeping bіznesu dozvolyayut mіnіmіzuvati NKVD prisutnіst hour operativnoї dіyalnostі zakordonnih ofіsіv i for Relief Suchasnyj zasobіv komunіkatsії vikonuvati monіtoring realіzatsії strategії IPC Nekrasov on postіynіy basics ".
Opened 2021 to the Rock The Nekrasov International Production Center has shown a new side of its own performance, we have adopted the principles of the company's steel development by ourselves.
* Shanovnі in іdvіdvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіyu on the Standards of "News EVENT-Market", brought to your vіdom, that this material was prepared in 01 April 2021, in the material of the images of the images we have prepared Ale, let's not forget about the people: "In the skin heat, only a part of the heat" :).
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